Norway | 2018 | cor | 18 min
It's a birthday party at a public pool disco, and underdog Ronja challenges the girls’ alpha female to battle for dominance. The game escalates quickly, and as the thirst for power grows, Ronja and the other girls lose control.
Director: Fanny Ovesen
Screenplay: Maren Skolem
Producer: Sandbu Lotte
Cinematographer: Magga Vala
Art Director: Lena K. Hetleflåt
Sound Designer: Anna Nilsson
Special Effects: Ruben A. Lorås
Editor: Anni Tiainen
Sales Agent: Anna Leimbrinck
Contact: Karin Julsrud -
International Program
24/08 |
Saturday | 09:00 PM Espaço Augusta de Cinema 4 | R. Augusta, 1.470 |
25/08 |
Sunday | 03:00 PM Cinesesc | R. Augusta, 2075 |
28/08 |
Wednesday | 04:30 PM Cinemateca Brasileira - sala Petrobras | Lgo. Sen. Raul Cardoso, 207 |